The Kabeedies


The Kabeedies

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[ame=""]Come Out Of The Blue[/ame]

The Kabeedies are an Indie, Afrobeat/Rock 'n' Roll band from Norwich/Woodbridge, England. The band is composed of Evan Jones (Guitar/Vocals), Roary Hill (Bass Guitar/Vocals), Katie Allard (Vocals) and Francis "Fab" Bell (Drums).
Their song 'Come On', originally a B-side to debut single 'Lovers Ought To' on Cherryade Records, was included on the Microsoft Xbox Kinect adverts Worldwide.
Their 2nd album 'Soap' is due for release late February 2012.
The Kabeedies released their debut album 'Rumpus' on 9th November 2009 on NRone records and have toured extensively in the UK and Europe since their beginnings in 2007. They played Glastonbury Festival in 2008, and many more festivals including Latitude Festival, Dockville Festival (Hamburg) and Wickerman Festival. They've also supported several acts including Darwin Deez, The Futureheads, Bombay Bicycle Club, The Pigeon Detectives and CSS - who invited them to join them on tour for 3 more shows.

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