Ganz starke letzte Staffel und starkes Ende!
Die ganz großen Momente der letzten Staffel waren finde ich aber nicht in der letzten Folge, sondern in denen davor. Meine Favoriten waren das Telefonat von Walt mit Jesse, als er im Auto sitzt und zum Geld in die Wüste fährt. Und das Gespräch mit Skyler, als er das Baby entführt hat.
Eine Sache habe ich aber nicht so ganz verstanden. Was hatte es mit Jesse und der Holzbox auf sich, die er da gebaut hat? Hat er da während der Gefangenschaft rumphantasiert? War das ein Ausblick auf seine Zeit danach? Habe ich irgendwas komplett verpasst/vergessen?
Jesse Pinkman: I took this vo-tech class in high school, woodworking. I took a lot of vo-tech classes, because it was just big jerk-off, but this one time I had this teacher by the name of... Mr... Mr. Pike. I guess he was like a Marine or something before he got old. He was hard hearing. My project for his class was to make this wooden box. You know, like a small, just like a... like a box, you know, to put stuff in. So I wanted to get the thing done as fast as possible. I figured I could cut classes for the rest of the semester and he couldn't flunk me as long as I, you know, made the thing. So I finished it in a couple days. And it looked pretty lame, but it worked. You know, for putting in or whatnot. So when I showed it to Mr. Pike for my grade, he looked at it and said: "Is that the best you can do?" At first I thought to myself "Hell yeah, bitch. Now give me a D and shut up so I can go blaze one with my boys." I don't know. Maybe it was the way he said it, but... it was like he wasn't exactly saying it sucked. He was just asking me honestly, "Is that all you got?" And for some reason, I thought to myself: "Yeah, man, I can do better." So I started from scratch. I made another, then another. And by the end of the semester, by like box number five, I had built this thing. You should have seen it. It was insane. I mean, I built it out of Peruvian walnut with inlaid zebrawood. It was fitted with pegas, no screws. I sanded it for days, until it was smooth as glass. Then I rubbed all the wood with tung oil so it was rich and dark. It even smelled good. You know, you put nose in it and breathed in, it was... it was perfect.
Group Leader: What happened to the box?
Jesse Pinkman: I... I gave it to my mom.
Group Leader: Nice. You know what I'm gonna say, don't you? It's never too late. They have art co-ops that offer classes, adult extension program at the University.
Jesse Pinkman: You know, I didn't give the box to my mom. I traded it for an ounce of weed.
Hat er erzählt, als er auf Entzug war.
Jesse Pinkman: I took this vo-tech class in high school, woodworking. I took a lot of vo-tech classes, because it was just big jerk-off, but this one time I had this teacher by the name of... Mr... Mr. Pike. I guess he was like a Marine or something before he got old. He was hard hearing. My project for his class was to make this wooden box. You know, like a small, just like a... like a box, you know, to put stuff in. So I wanted to get the thing done as fast as possible. I figured I could cut classes for the rest of the semester and he couldn't flunk me as long as I, you know, made the thing. So I finished it in a couple days. And it looked pretty lame, but it worked. You know, for putting in or whatnot. So when I showed it to Mr. Pike for my grade, he looked at it and said: "Is that the best you can do?" At first I thought to myself "Hell yeah, bitch. Now give me a D and shut up so I can go blaze one with my boys." I don't know. Maybe it was the way he said it, but... it was like he wasn't exactly saying it sucked. He was just asking me honestly, "Is that all you got?" And for some reason, I thought to myself: "Yeah, man, I can do better." So I started from scratch. I made another, then another. And by the end of the semester, by like box number five, I had built this thing. You should have seen it. It was insane. I mean, I built it out of Peruvian walnut with inlaid zebrawood. It was fitted with pegas, no screws. I sanded it for days, until it was smooth as glass. Then I rubbed all the wood with tung oil so it was rich and dark. It even smelled good. You know, you put nose in it and breathed in, it was... it was perfect.
Group Leader: What happened to the box?
Jesse Pinkman: I... I gave it to my mom.
Group Leader: Nice. You know what I'm gonna say, don't you? It's never too late. They have art co-ops that offer classes, adult extension program at the University.
Jesse Pinkman: You know, I didn't give the box to my mom. I traded it for an ounce of weed.
Wahnsinn Wahnsinn!
nachdem die 3. staffel und die erste hälfte von da 4. eher so vor sich hin plätschern, zieht des seasonfinale von da 4. ja aber mal höllisch an!
Bin gespannt ob die 5. Staffel des noch toppen kann.
Gerade die erste Folge geschaut. (Spätzünderalarm)
Das Leben ist damit für die nächsten zwei, drei Monate wohl erst mal vorbei![]()
Vielleicht für den Ein oder Anderen interessant:
Blu-Ray Komplettbox für 87,12€
Logischerweise ist die deutsche Synchro dabei, aber auch Englisch liegt in DTS-HD Master vor!
Gerade die erste Folge geschaut. (Spätzünderalarm)
Das Leben ist damit für die nächsten zwei, drei Monate wohl erst mal vorbei![]()
Glaub mir: Die erste Staffel ist reinster Kindergarten!![]()
Vielleicht für den Ein oder Anderen interessant:
Blu-Ray Komplettbox für 87,12€
Logischerweise ist die deutsche Synchro dabei, aber auch Englisch liegt in DTS-HD Master vor!
Werd ich mir definitiv irgendwann zulegen. Allerdings wart ich da noch etwas bis der Preis n Stück gefallen ist.
Gerade die erste Folge geschaut. (Spätzünderalarm)
Das Leben ist damit für die nächsten zwei, drei Monate wohl erst mal vorbei![]()
Glaub mir: Die erste Staffel ist reinster Kindergarten!![]()
Ich würd ja fast so weit gehen und behaupten, dass das Niveau konstant steigt. Kurzes bergab am Anfang von Staffel 5 evtl.
Ach die Folge hatte auch was für sich ;)
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